Consider the Arrows
, Domains
and CoDomain
type-families defined in the agda
Obvious to the programmer, it holds that Arrows (Domains func) (CoDomain func) ~ func
. But I can't get curries (Proxy :: Proxy (Domains func)) (Proxy :: Proxy (CoDomain func)) undefined :: func
through GHC's type-checker. That's because GHC isn't smart enough to infer that the combination of Domains
and CoDomain
is injective. Is there a way to teach GHC nonetheless? I'd imagine some case split over the IsBase
Would it be better for you to change Currying
to be indexed by func
class Currying func where
curries :: (Products (Domains func) -> CoDomain func) -> func
uncurries :: func -> Products (Domains func) -> CoDomain func
instance Currying b => Currying (a -> b) where
curries f a = curries (f . (,) a)
uncurries f (a, as) = uncurries (f a) as
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (IsBase b ~ 'True) => Currying b where
curries f = f ()
uncurries b _ = b
We can also assert axioms in this way, though I'm not even sure this one is safe:
arrowAxiom :: forall func. func :~: Arrows (Domains func) (CoDomain func)
arrowAxiom = unsafeCoerce Refl
The equality can be put in scope by pattern matching on the axiom.