
AddThis Layers in Full Screen mode

I'm making a slideshow with full screen functionality (FancyBox 3), it's using the RequestFullScreen method on the container div, which means any other element in the body is not accessible in full screen mode. (correct me if i'm wrong)

I would like to include an AddThis Expanding Share button in the slideshow, but because it's created dynamically by the AddThis js, it appends the Smart Layers before the end of the body, not at the end of the slideshow container div therefore it's not included in the full screen slideshow.

I couldn't find any info on Smart Layers DOM placement in the AddThis API.

What I've tried is seems like a bad idea, to manually appendTo the necessary divs to the slideshow container after the divs are created by AddThis, I managed to "cut and paste" the '.at-expanding-share-button' and it's working so far, but I can't "catch" the '#at-expanded-menu-host' (which is the layer created by AddThis for more sharing options, with the dark background), and I'm not even sure if this method will work properly...

Any help would be appreciated.


  • I figured it out! :) I thought I share my experience/solution, if anyone has similar difficulties.

    What won't work and why:

    My solution:

    I've used sindresorhus's screenfull for easier/cross-browser full screen functions.

        var FullScreenContainer = $('#container');
        // Check if AddThis Layers are ready
        var checkLayers = setInterval(function() { appendLayers(); }, 1000);
            // Append the layers to FullScreenContainer
            function appendLayers() {
                var layers = $('.at-expanding-share-button, #_atssh');
                if(layers.length > 0){
                    console.log('layers added');
                else {
                    console.log('not found')
        // Check for more layers when the share icon clicked
        $(document).on('click', ".at-expanding-share-button-toggle", function() {
                var checkMoreLayers = setInterval(function() { catchLayers(); }, 1000);
                function catchLayers() {
                    var morelayers = $('#at-expanded-menu-host');
                    if(morelayers.length > 0){
                        console.log('more layers added');
                    else {
                        console.log('did not found more')
        // Don't forget to disable the full screen function in Fancy-Box, 
        // then call them when necessary (onInit, clickSlide, clickOutside 
        // and the close button)
        function enterFullscreen() {
        function exitFullscreen() {
            if (screenfull.isFullscreen) {
            if (!screenfull.isFullscreen) {

    And you are good to go. I hope this helps for anybody else! :)