I am using gcloud python client library (https://github.com/google/google-api-python-client) to get a list of instances. I am able to use filters like name, status but I can't figure out how to filter by IP address (networkIP). I'm sure it has something to do with networkInterfaces being a list, but I can't figure the syntax.
Here's what I think should work:
instance_list = compute.instances().list(
filter='networkInterfaces[0].networkIP eq'
It returns a HTTP Status 400: "Invalid value for field 'filter'."
What should the filter look like?
Thank you in advance.
Unfortunately right now it is not posible to filter by networkInterfaces networkIP as the API calls does not support filtering by an array of abject.
All that being said I went ahead and opened a public feature request [1] so you can keep track of it. Keep in mind that there is no ETA or guaranty that this feature will be implemented.
As a workaround you could parse the JSON output of the call without filter and then filter it via code.