I have debug.properties
file with debug settings in our project. This file located in repo and each teamate should made changes in this one before debugging.
Can I modify this file based on some debug.template.properties
file before build like xml transformation in C#?
You can use cfg4j library and the following code:
private ConfigurationProvider configureProvider() {
ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
String envPath = classLoader.getResource("properties").getPath();
Path localPropertiesFilePath = Paths.get(envPath, "local.properties");
Path basePropertiesFilePath = Paths.get(envPath, "base.properties");
if (!Files.exists(localPropertiesFilePath)) {
try {
catch (IOException exception) {
ConfigFilesProvider localConfigFilesProvider =
() -> Collections.singletonList(localPropertiesFilePath);
ConfigFilesProvider baseConfigFilesProvider =
() -> Collections.singletonList(basePropertiesFilePath);
ConfigurationSource local = new FilesConfigurationSource(localConfigFilesProvider);
ConfigurationSource base = new FilesConfigurationSource(baseConfigFilesProvider);
// If you have 'some' property in base and local files - it takes from local
ConfigurationSource mergedSource = new MergeConfigurationSource(base, local);
Environment environment = new ImmutableEnvironment(envPath);
return new ConfigurationProviderBuilder()