Within an *ngFor loop, where I'm building a list of search results (mat cards) with sample reading texts, I want to allow the user to click on one of them to read more, and open a route to a document template populated with the right doc.
This static HTML works with routerlinkactive catching the params in the docview page...
<button mat-button [routerLink]="['/docview', {sDocName: 'AW010001'}]">READ MORE...</button>
I want to replace the hardcoded Doc ID 'AW010001' with the appropriate ID for each iteration through the *ngFor. But this code fails...
<button mat-button [routerLink]="['/docview', {sDocName: '{{sDocIDs[i]}}'}]">READ MORE...</button>
The error I get is the typical...
Parser Error: Got interpolation ({{}}) where expression was expected at column 25 in [['/docview', {[sDocName]:'{{sDocIDs[i]}}' }]]
Actually... I ended up moving the routerLink functionality into a function in my .ts file for that component...
readMore(sDoc: string) {
this.router.navigate(['/docview', {sDocName: sDoc}]);
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
Then in my HTML, I use a variable that is associated with all the other story metadata... in this case I used an array for development, but will eventually replace that array variable with an element of a data model for the stories.
<button mat-raised-button (click)="readMore(DocIDs[i])">READ MORE...</button>
This is working well for me.