
Are there any difference between data integrity and data consistency?

I'm a little confused about data consistency and data integrity. From Oracle Database Concepts:

data integrity
Business rules that dictate the standards for acceptable data. These rules
are applied to a database by using integrity constraints and triggers to
prevent invalid data entry.

From Wikipedia

Consistency states that only valid data will be written to the database.

So what's the difference between data consistency and data integrity?

Thanks in advance.


  • They are not only different, they are orthogonal.

    A DB that reported employee Joe Shmoe's department as Sales but that didn't list Joe Shmoe among the employees in the Sales department would be inconsistent.
    It's a logical property of the DB, independent of the actual data.

    A DB that reported jOe SaleS to be a member of the Shmoe department would lack integrity.
    jOe SaleS isn't a valid employee name and Shmoe isn't a valid department.
    That's not logically invalid, but it is invalid relative to the rules that govern data content.