
ui-Router templateUrl not able to find $templateCache template in app-release.js

I use Gulp-angular-templatecache to cache my html templates into templates-cache.js and then I use Gulp-browsify to compile my app.js file to generate app-release.js file which contains all the code from both app.js and templates-cache.js files.

app.js includes all the dependencies including the generated templates-cache.js file but ui.route is unable to call the html files on templateUrl I followed angular guide at$templateCache but I am still unable to find the issue.


import angular from "angular";
import uiRouter from "@uirouter/angularjs";
let template = require("../../templates-cache.js");

let app = angular.module("app", [uiRouter]);

app.config(function ($stateProvider) {

    let Default = {
        name: "default",
        url: "/",
        templateUrl: "home.html"

    let Home = {
        name: "home",
        url: "",
        templateUrl: 'home.html'




app.config(function ($stateProvider) {

    var Default = {
        name: "default",
        url: "/",
        templateUrl: "home.html"

    var Home = {
        name: "home",
        url: "",
        templateUrl: 'home.html'


'use strict';

angular.module('template', []).run(['$templateCache', function ($templateCache) {

  $templateCache.put('home.html', '\n<div class="largeText">My Angular App</div>\n\n');


Error in Chrome Error in Chrome

Thank you for the help :)


  • The problem is here. I am not injecting template that is generated by gulp-angular-templatecache.


    let app = angular.module("app", [uiRouter, "template"]);