I am playing a bit with the SOMbrero package. I would like to attach the cluster numbers created like so (taken from here):
my.sc <- superClass(iris.som, k=3)
and X and Y coordinates of the SOM nodes to the training dataset.
In some code, where I use the kohonen package, I create clusters like this:
range01 <- function(x){(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x))}
ind <- sapply(SubsetData, is.numeric)
SubsetData[ind] <- lapply(SubsetData[ind], range01)
TrainingMatrix <- as.matrix(SubsetData)
GridDefinition <- somgrid(xdim = 4, ydim = 4, topo = "rectangular", toroidal = FALSE)
SomModel <- som(
data = TrainingMatrix,
grid = GridDefinition,
rlen = 10000,
alpha = c(0.05, 0.01),
keep.data = TRUE
nb <- table(SomModel$unit.classif)
groups = 5
tree.hc = cutree(hclust(d=dist(SomModel$codes[[1]]),method="ward.D2",members=nb),groups)
plot(SomModel, type="codes", bgcol=rainbow(groups)[tree.hc])
add.cluster.boundaries(SomModel, tree.hc)
result <- OrginalData
result$Cluster <- tree.hc[SomModel$unit.classif]
result$X <- SomModel$grid$pts[SomModel$unit.classif,"x"]
result$Y <- SomModel$grid$pts[SomModel$unit.classif,"y"]
write.table(result, file = "FinalData.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, quote = FALSE)
Some example code using the iris dataset can be found here.
I played a bit with the code iris code quoted above and think I have managed to extract the clusters, node ids and prototypes (see code below). What is missing are the coordinates X and Y. I think they are in here:
#iris.som <- trainSOM(x.data=iris[,1:4],dimension=c(10,10), maxit=100000, scaling="unitvar", radius.type="gaussian")
iris.som <- trainSOM(x.data=iris[,1:4],dimension=c(3,3), maxit=100000, scaling="unitvar", radius.type="gaussian")
# perform a hierarchical clustering
## with 3 super clusters
iris.sc <- superClass(iris.som, k=3)
# compute the projection quality indicators
iris1 <- iris
iris1$Cluster = iris.sc$cluster[iris.sc$som$clustering]
iris1$Node = iris.sc$som$clustering
iris1$Pt1Sepal.Length = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,1]
iris1$Pt2Sepal.Width = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,2]
iris1$Pt3Petal.Length = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,3]
iris1$Pt4Petal.Width = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,4]
write.table(iris1, file = "Iris.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, quote = FALSE)
I think I have figured it out using the iris example (please correct/improve code! - I am not fluent in R):
iris.som <- trainSOM(x.data=iris[,1:4],dimension=c(5,5), maxit=10000, scaling="unitvar", radius.type="letremy")
# perform a hierarchical clustering
# with 3 super clusters
iris.sc <- superClass(iris.som, k=3)
# compute the projection quality indicators
iris1 <- iris
iris1$Cluster = iris.sc$cluster[iris.sc$som$clustering]
iris1$Node = iris.sc$som$clustering
iris1$Pt1Sepal.Length = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,1]
iris1$Pt2Sepal.Width = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,2]
iris1$Pt3Petal.Length = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,3]
iris1$Pt4Petal.Width = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,4]
iris1$X = iris.som$parameters$the.grid$coord[iris.sc$som$clustering,1]
iris1$Y = iris.som$parameters$the.grid$coord[iris.sc$som$clustering,2]
write.table(iris1, file = "Iris.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, quote = FALSE)