This is the output of the code I am trying to write. I have seen this done for C++, but not python with a dictionary. The key here is the dictionary is not optional. I need to use it to fulfill the assignment.
ID Candidate Votes Received % of Total Vote
1 Johnson 5000 55.55
2 Miller 4000 44.44
Total 9000
and the winner is Johnson!
I need to use a dictionary and a loop to create this. However, I am stuck on 3 points. 1.The percent- current code returns the percent before it has the whole total ex: first candidate always has 100%. 2. Declare a winner- code finds the max votes and returns the number value but I need it to return the name. 3. How to format the dictionary values so it lines up under the header. I don't think is possible, but it must be a requirement to use a dictionary for a reason. I am thinking I need to make a copy of the dictionary and format that? Here is what I have so far:
dct = {}
i = 1
name = input('Please enter a name: ')
if name == '':
votes = input('Please enter vote total for canidate: ')
totalVotesInt= map(int, totalVotes)
total = sum(totalVotesInt)
dct[i] = {name,votes,int(votes)/total*100}
i += 1
header='{:>0}{:>10}{:>10}{:>20}'.format('ID','Name','Votes','% of Total Vote')
print("\n".join("{}\t{}".format(key, value) for key, value in dct.items()))
print('Total '+str(total))
print('The Winner of the Election is '+max(totalVotes))
Which returns:
Please enter a name: Smith
Please enter vote total for canidate: 100
Please enter a name: Frieda
Please enter vote total for canidate: 200
Please enter a name: West
Please enter vote total for canidate: 10
Please enter a name:
ID Name Votes % of Total Vote
1 {'Smith', '100', 100.0}
2 {'Frieda', 66.66666666666666, '200'}
3 {3.225806451612903, '10', 'West'}
Total 310
The Winner of the Election is 200
I have added very little changes to your code to make it work:
I have mentioned the changes as comments in the code.
Edit: It's more efficient to use objects for each candidate if you require scaling in the future.
dct = {}
i = 1
name = input('Please enter a name: ')
if name == '':
votes = input('Please enter vote total for canidate: ')
totalVotesInt= map(int, totalVotes)
total = sum(totalVotesInt)
# I change it to a list so it's much easier to append to it later
dct[i] = list((name,int(votes)))
i += 1
# I calculate the total percent of votes in the end and append to the candidate
maxVal = 0
for i in range(1, len(dct) + 1):
if dct[i][1] > maxVal:
maxInd = i
dct[i].append(int((dct[i][len(dct[i]) - 1]) / total * 100))
header='{:>0}{:>10}{:>10}{:>20}'.format('ID','Name','Votes','% of Total Vote')
print("\n".join("{}\t{}".format(key, value) for key, value in dct.items()))
print('Total '+str(total))
print('The Winner of the Election is '+ dct[maxInd][0]))