I have ae email in which I have a cell with a background image. I need to change this image src for mobiles. Is it possible to do this ? I see a lot of examples using the <img>
tag but in my case this is a background image.
I have decided to cut the background image in Outlook (bulletproof bg wasn't enough) so basically my code looks like this
<!--[if lt mso 9]> <!-->
background="https://assets.myjobglasses.com/email/campaigns/aladdin/red-carpet.png" bgcolor="#ffffff"
valign="top" align="center"
style="background-repeat: no-repeat;"
height="<%= red_carpet_height %>"
<!--[if gte mso 9]>
valign="top" align="center"
height="<%= red_carpet_height %>"
Instead I'd like to use this image on mobile. How can I do this ? (I can choose to duplicate the code and add some visibility classes, but if my emails are too long Gmail will choose to cut the visible part so I'd like to avoid such drastic measures)
You will need to target that specific class that contains the image and change it on mobile.
@media only screen and (max-width:480px) {
.red-carpet-bulletproof-background{background-image:url();width:300px; height:225px; background-size:100% auto;}
Here is a working example:
@media only screen and (max-width:480px) {
.table{width:300px !important;}
.red-carpet-bulletproof-background{background-image:url('https://assets.myjobglasses.com/email/campaigns/aladdin/red-carpet-mobile.png') !important;width:300px; height:225px; background-size:100% auto;}
<table width="600" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="table">
background="https://assets.myjobglasses.com/email/campaigns/aladdin/red-carpet.png" bgcolor="#ffffff"
valign="top" align="center"
style="background-repeat: no-repeat;"
height="<%= red_carpet_height %>"
Content goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris pellentesque lectus at risus pellentesque pulvinar. Vestibulum vitae bibendum lorem, eu fermentum erat. Fusce viverra ante vel leo placerat euismod. Quisque aliquam lectus nec justo tincidunt iaculis. Pellentesque ultrices suscipit diam, a dapibus nulla. Aenean semper est at dapibus lacinia. Etiam semper lacinia dictum. Donec non fermentum eros. <br><br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris pellentesque lectus at risus pellentesque pulvinar. Vestibulum vitae bibendum lorem, eu fermentum erat. Fusce viverra ante vel leo placerat euismod.
<br><br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris pellentesque lectus at risus pellentesque pulvinar. Vestibulum vitae bibendum lorem, eu fermentum erat. Fusce viverra ante vel leo placerat euismod.
<br><br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris pellentesque lectus at risus pellentesque pulvinar. Vestibulum vitae bibendum lorem, eu fermentum erat. Fusce viverra ante vel leo placerat euismod.
Let me know if this works for you.