
OpenVPN on Linux: passing username and password in command line

I am using IPVanish for using a proxy while surfing; like:

sudo openvpn --config /home/ipv/conf/ipvanish-CA-Toronto-tor-a09.ovpn

Now, I have to enter my username, after that my password. How Can I pass those two params right as one command, so that I just use one command and the username/password are being passed automatically?


  • The previous answer didn't work for me (still asked for username and password), what did work was putting your credentials in a file (pass.txt), like this

    and calling openvpn with --auth-user-pass pass.txt.


    Note that in some OpenVPN versions (e.g. OpenVPN 2.4.11) there is a bug where you have to first use --config and then --auth-user-pass or your auth file will be ignored without any warning.

    So, here a complete example:

    sudo openvpn --config /home/ipv/conf/ipvanish-CA-Toronto-tor-a09.ovpn --auth-user-pass pass.txt