
BackupAgentHelper: onRestore not getting called

I installed the example BackupRestore from this link.

I am unable to restore the data.

OnBackup and OnCreate get called, but OnRestore does not.

I am able to backup: OnCreate and OnBackup get hit, but OnRestore does not.

public void onRestore(BackupDataInput data, int appVersionCode,
                      ParcelFileDescriptor newState) throws IOException {
    // Hold the lock while the FileBackupHelper restores the file from
    // the data provided here.
    synchronized (BackupRestoreActivity.sDataLock) {
        super.onRestore(data, appVersionCode, newState);

   public void onRestoreButtonClick(View v) {
        Log.v(TAG, "Requesting restore of our most recent data");
                new RestoreObserver() {
                    public void restoreFinished(int error) {
                        /** Done with the restore!  Now draw the new state of our data */
                        Log.v(TAG, "Restore finished, error = " + error);

I have tried using the adb tools (besides requestRestore) and it is not working either.

adb shell bmgr restore [package]
adb uninstall [apkfile]
adb  install [apkfile]

When I run restore I get:

restoreStarting: 1 packages
restoreFinished: 0

But OnRestore does not get hit, and the data is not restored.

I am using Android Studio 3.0. And I have spent many hours on this. Can anyone shed some light?


  • After checking the logs, I noticed a message:

    I/Backup: [KeyValueRateLimiter] K/V backup for [package] aborted by rate limiter. next=1519165401410, current=1519088429345

    So that means the backups are not being made until 2/20/2018, 5:23:21 PM. There is a rate limit for backups with Google Transport, so I am going to try Local Transport which has no rate limit.

    Update: Switching to Local Transport seems to work. It was able to restore the values after an app uninstall/reinstall on my device.

    Here is what I did to get it to work:

    I struggled with this. I hope this helps someone.