I am trying to load the following PDF into R, and convert the table into a CSV file.
I have tried both the library(pdftools) and library(tabulizer), & I have spent an afternoon going through various forums, but I do not seem to find an answer that works for me. I can load the PDF to R using the following code
x <- pdf_text("~/Desktop/PlantTraitAsia.pdf")
It uploads just fine, but it is not at all a table of table I can work with.
Here is a link to the PDF file:
I would simply like to upload the table into R, keep the header, and be able to export it to a TXT, CSV, or XLS file.
Thanks for your help
This works well on my machine:
zz <- tabulizer::extract_tables("http://vege1.kan.ynu.ac.jp/traits/PlantTraitAsia.pdf", pages = 2)
This produces:
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] "ID" "Category\rof\rpermissio" "Species"
[2,] "83" "A" "Abies mariesii Masters"
[3,] "155" "A" "Abies mariesii Masters"
[4,] "225" "A" "Abies mariesii Masters"
[5,] "297" "A" "Abies mariesii Masters"
[6,] "369" "A" "Abies mariesii Masters"
[,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,] "Traits" "Value" "Notes"
[2,] "Maximum heighyt (m)" "18.17" ""
[3,] "Shade tolerance (min. relative\rlight intensity, %), Anderson\r1964. J. Ecol." "1.15" ""
[4,] "Length of fruit (mm)" "8" ""
[5,] "Pollination mode" "Anemophily" ""
[6,] "Type of fruit" "Wing-hair" ""
To get only headers (first line of your table):