I've tried looking for a list of all the possible events that can be used in the a4j:support
event attribute. I cant find any reference that lists them, maybe somebody can provide a link?
I'm aware of the obvious ones like onclick
, onchange
, etc.
The reason I ask this is that I currently have an input text field. It has the onkeyup
event attached to it via the a4j:support
tag. It should enable a text box when the event fires.
The event does not fire when a user right clicks their mouse and pastes content into the field.
Is there an alternative event I could use to ensure this case is managed?
<h:inputText id="someName" value="#{myBean.example.exampleName}" maxlength="25" style="width:280px">
<a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="exampleTab"
action="#{myBean.activateTabPanel}" ajaxSingle="true"
ignoreDupResponses="true" />
<rich:tabPanel id="exampleTab" switchType="server"
style="width:100%;height:448px;" styleClass="top_tab"
inactiveTabClass="inactive_tab" activeTabClass="active_tab"
<!-- Various stuff in here --->
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// Call contructor
var common = new Site.Common();
// Constructor
Site.Common = function() {
// Only attach event listener if the element exists on page
if ( jQuery('input[id$="suggest"]') ) {
jQuery('input[id$="suggest"]').bind('paste', Site.Common.handleMousePaste.bind(this));
// Trigger the keyup event when user uses mouse to paste content info a field('element')
Site.Common.handleMousePaste = function(event) {
// Need to split the id (JSF adds the form name in front of the input field!)
var idParts = event.target.id.split(':');
// Reformat the id we will pass to jQuery (It does not understand formName:fieldName, need to escape the ':')
if (idParts.length >= 2) {
var formattedID = "#" + idParts[0] + "\\:" + idParts[1];
else {
var formattedID = "#" + event.target.id;
// Need to put a tiny delay in so the element has time to get the pasted in content.
setTimeout(function() { jQuery(formattedID).keyup(); }, 10);
you can detect the paste event in js and activate your function then.
attached is a link that deals with similar problem
in it change what happens after the paste is detected
if (event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode == 86) //Paste event
call your function