
Select item using ItemName in AWS simpledb

I've recently started exploring SimpleDB java sdk. and I'm trying to get the item using the ItemName. please refer below test code -

    val demoItem = Item("id1", listOf(Attribute("fName", "Test7"), Attribute("age", "21")))

    val result ="select * from demo where itemName() = 'id1' "))

    assertEquals(listOf(demoItem), result.items)

the result actually returns zero records. I'm not sure about where I'm doing wrong with this query.

PS: I'm able to select item using attribute 'fName' and 'age'


  • I was using fake SimpleDB for testing,

    When I go through their code, I found that search by itemName() is not implemented there.

    So, when testing against the real SimpleDB I'm able to get the data with itemName().

    Closing this question!