
Mail gem not sending emails after upgrading to Rails 5.0.6

I upgraded my Rails app to 5.0.6 from 4.2.5. Now emails are not being sent by the Mail gem. I don't seem to be getting errors. I updated the Mail gem to the latest version with no luck. I am not sure what else to try.

I am running:

Rails 5.0.6

Ruby 2.3.0

Mail 2.7.0


 class SendEmail < ApplicationController
    def initialize(to_address, from_address, email_pass, subject, body)

            options = {
                :address              => '',
                :port                 => '465',
                :domain               => '',
                :user_name            => from_address,
                :password             => email_pass,
                :authentication       => :login,
                :ssl                  => true,
                :openssl_verify_mode  => 'none'

            Mail.defaults do
                delivery_method :smtp, options

            Mail.deliver do
                to to_address
                from from_address
                subject subject
                body body

            puts("\nSent message. From: #{from_address} To: #{to_address} \nMessage body: \n#{body}")

            return true

        rescue Exception => e
            puts e.to_s
            return false


I tried sending an email with Action Mailer as well. It says it sent in the console but it never gets delivered. I am using similar settings for Action Mailer as I am for the Mail gem.


  config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
    :address              => '',
    :port                 => '465',
    :domain               => '',
    :user_name            => ENV['default_username'],
    :password             => ENV['default_password'],
    :authentication       => :login,
    :ssl                  => true,
    :openssl_verify_mode  => 'none'

I am running this from the console:


Console output:

   Rendering email_mailer/sample_email.html.erb within layouts/mailer
   Rendered email_mailer/sample_email.html.erb within layouts/mailer (0.1ms)
   Rendering email_mailer/sample_email.text.erb within layouts/mailer
   Rendered email_mailer/sample_email.text.erb within layouts/mailer (0.0ms)
   EmailMailer#sample_email: processed outbound mail in 9.4ms


I have some code that sends an email when there is an unknown error that I need to look at. When I updated Rails that code got caught in a loop that sent a bunch of emails really fast. That caused my server provider to mark the email account as a spam account. I am not sure why my original code was not showing any errors but when I ran EmailMailer.sample_email(UserEmail.first).deliver_now it gave me an error message that helped me track it down.


  • Well, wild guessing here but try this:


    If you had Rails version below 4.2.1 it was not necessary to call deliver on the mail object for it to be delivered. From that point on you can operate on the mail object before delivering it, which can be now using .deliver_now or later, using .deliver_later, which goes along with the use of ActiveJob or other queueing library.