
What are the pros and cons of RemObjects PascalScript versus the DWS script?

I'm planning to include a pascal script in my application. It does not require any web access, simply access to classes in my Application. It should be fast (compiled). I see that there are a number of scripts available, some are interpreters but amongst the compilers RemObjects pascal script and Delphi Web Script (DWS) seem to be powerful and actively pursued.

Can anyone suggest advantages of one over another please?


  • It comes down to this, imho:

    However, DWS is a community project essentially being developed by one (very talented and competent) guy. PascalScript is supported by RemObjects.

    But: The number of people/size of organisation involved in developing/supporting a product is not as important as the efficacy and enthusiasm of the development and support they are actually providing.

    In both cases source is provided, so even if "official support" dried up, you would not be completely lost.

    From what I understand, the DWS engine is a more easily understood implementation than PascalScript which may make "self support" easier, tho in such cases what you are used to is important (I have previously worked on an entirely different script engine which I understand is more similar to DWS than PascalScript).

    Lastly, I currently work on a project that uses PascalScript and at this stage intend switching to DWS as soon as possible.