Quick one. Cannot seem to work this out or get it to work. I just want a placeholder of "Select Listing" in the dropdown instead of the first listing in the list. I've tried adding
prompt: 'Select Listing'
in between a few places but getting syntax errors. Any help be great. I know i'm doing something stupid.
<%= f.select :desk_id, options_for_select(@desks.collect {|u| [u.listing_name, u.id]}, params[:listing_name]), {}, {
onchange: "$(this.form).submit()",
class: "form-control"
} %>
Thanks in advance.
<%= f.select :desk_id, options_for_select(@desks.collect {|u| [u.listing_name, u.id]}, params[:listing_name]), {include_blank: 'Select Something'}, {
onchange: "$(this.form).submit()",
class: "form-control"
} %>