When importing an image with transparent background into Enterprise Architect, it displays with transparency in the designer, but when exporting or copying the image, ex. into Word, then the image has a black background.
This is how it looks in the SPARKS Enterprise Architect Designer:
And here how it looks, when copy and pasted into Word.
An alternative Solution, if it's not possible to import images with transparent background, would be to just copy the diagram using a tool like Greenspan, but the problem here is that this wouldn't create the border with title which we need. I couldn't find out how to display the border in the designer.
Has anyone come across a similar problem and found a solution, either to make the image transparent or to display the border with title in the designer?
If you need to preserve the transparent image in clipboard Go to Preferences -> General -> Clipboard Format and change it into Bitmap. And now if you save an image to clipboard it will preserve the transparency.
Try Cntrl + T ( Shotrcut for saving diagram ) and save as bmp or png . Use saved diagram and it will preserve the transparency.
But if you need the diagram frame or border with title in clipboard or copied images you need to enable Diagram frame option .
Go to Preferences -> Diagram Tab -> Diagram Frames Secion
And Inside EA Diagram GUI you can enable that frame.Alternatively if you can enable diagram details if needed.