I'd like to find the most pythonic way to output a list of the week numbers between two dates.
For example:
start = datetime.date(2011, 12, 25)
end = datetime.date(2012, 1, 21)
find_weeks(start, end)
>> [201152, 201201, 201202, 201203]
I've been struggling using the datetime library with little success
Something in the lines of (update: removed less-readable option)
import datetime
def find_weeks(start,end):
l = []
for i in range((end-start).days + 1):
d = (start+datetime.timedelta(days=i)).isocalendar()[:2] # e.g. (2011, 52)
yearweek = '{}{:02}'.format(*d) # e.g. "201152"
return sorted(set(l))
start = datetime.date(2011, 12, 25)
end = datetime.date(2012, 1, 21)
print(find_weeks(start,end)[1:]) # [1:] to exclude first week.
['201152', '201201', '201202', '201203']
To include the first week (201151) simply remove [1:]
after function call