Is it possible to have a string for example:
var myText = "AB12CDE"
and then check to see if 3rd and 4th letters are numbers and if not change it to a number.
So if the above text ended up being:
I would be able to change IZ to 12 but not replacing all instances of I and Z but only in the 3rd and 4th charecther.
Here is it:
let str = "ABCIZCDEZ"
var newString = ""
var index = 0
str.forEach { (char) in
var charToAppend = char
if index == 3 || index == 4 {
if char == "Z" {
charToAppend = "2"
if char == "I" {
charToAppend = "1"
index += 1
print(newString) // ABC12CDEZ
For insertion for example you could make an extension:
Add this somewhere before your class:
public extension String {
public func insert(string: String, index: Int) -> String {
return String(self.prefix(index)) + string + String(self.suffix(self.count - index))
let str2 = "ABC2CDEZ"
var newString = str2.insert(string: "I", index: 3)
print(newString) // ABCI2CDEZ