I'm using Qt 5.9.2 with Visual Studio 2015 and QtDesigner for programming a Windows GUI application. I tried connecting one of my actions via the following call:
connect(ui.myAction, &QAction::triggered, memberPtrToObjX_, &ClassX::Run);
However ClassX::Run is not always triggered after clicking on myAction in the menubar. Investigating into this problem, I figured, that the same signal-slot connection using lambda syntax works:
connect(ui.myAction, &QAction::triggered, [this](bool run) { memberPtrToObjX_->Run(run); });
I'm pretty sure, that both calls are syntactically correct. Besides both calls return a valid QMetaObject::Connection, if I save the return value and check with operator bool().
Obviously I could just stick with the working lambda-version, but I'm confused and would prefer knowing the reason behind my "solution". Is there any functional difference between these two calls, that explains the different behaviour?
The two calls of QObject::connect()
(exposed by the OP) behave differently in the case that this->memberPtrToObjX_
is modified after the call of connect()
The first
connect(ui.myAction, &QAction::triggered, memberPtrToObjX_, &ClassX::Run);
Creates a connection of the given type from the signal in the sender object to the method in the receiver object. Returns a handle to the connection that can be used to disconnect it later.
Hence, the current pointer in this->memberPtrToObjX_
is connected as signal receiver. If this->memberPtrToObjX_
is modified after connect()
this doesn't have any effect to the signal connection.
The second
connect(ui.myAction, &QAction::triggered, [this](bool run) { memberPtrToObjX_->Run(run); });
Creates a connection from signal in sender object to functor, and returns a handle to the connection.
Hence, the (functor behind the) lambda is connected as receiver. The lambda resolves the pointer in this->memberPtrToObjX_
at the time it is executed i.e. when the signal is triggered.
The second difference (which originally was uncovered in the comment of G.M.) is the connection type:
The first version uses the default value Qt::AutoConnection
(as it is not defined explicitly). The version with the lambda uses always Qt::DirectConnection
The difference appears if the pointee in this->memberPtrToObjX_
does not "live" in the same thread. In this case, the Qt::AutoConnection
is resolved to Qt::QueuedConnection
instead of Qt::DirectConnection
I assumed that the pointee in this->memberPtrToObjX_
would "live" in the same QThread
. If not, the second version (with the lambda) becomes very questionable as it calls the a member function of the object "living" in a different thread (where it is hard to tell what that thread is doing at this time). This only seems to work better but is very possibly a "time bomb".