
Fluid dynamic simulation, with obstacles

I'm trying to write a fluid dynamic simulator on the HTML5 canvas. I've found some real damn cool stuff on the internets that always look like a promising starting point, but they are all cell-based and use some crazy math.

I'd like to be able to add arbitrary obstacles (lines of any orientation, circles, etc) to make things more interesting, but I've no idea where do begin.

Does anyone know of some fairly simple equations for fluid simulation that include obstacles of any orientation? Alternatively, could anybody point me towards the math required to take one of the above examples and add obstacles?

I know that this question borders on something I should ask mathoverflow, but they seem more into the theory stuff. Apologies if I'm in the wrong area. I don't really know where to begin - if anyone's worked on fluid simulation with arbitrary obstacles before, I could use some pointers.

Accuracy takes a back seat to simplicity here.



  • Fluid dynamics isn't a simple topic. All that "theory" they like over at the other site is just the way this field works.

    The simplest example of fluid flow is 2D, incompressible, irrotational, laminar flow. I'd start by looking into that.

    But it's not an easy field. There's no "Teach Yourself Computational Fluid Dynamics In Ten Days" books out there.