
Delphi7 - How can i find where my project is hanging the compiler?

I have a project in Delphi7. Its is rather large consisting of 40 odd forms and frames. Recently, the compiler only allows me to compile the project once so i can run it, then every re-compile the IDE hangs and i have to end the Delphi process. Before this occurs, my CPU goes to 50% (on dual core machine) so my deduction is the compilation process has gone into an infinite loop. The Executable it produces is not runnable and usually at a fixed size after it hangs.

I was wondering how i can go about finding where this inconsistency in my project is. Other projects do not suffer from this same issue.


  • Use "process of elimination", to see if it's something in your code.

    First, make a backup of where you are, or save to your CVS (you ARE using version control, right? RIGHT? good.) Revert your branch to an earlier version where it worked. See if that works. If so, merge half of the changes from the present-day version. If that works, try the other half. Keep cutting things in half, and you'll find the code that causes the problem, by process of elimination.

    Or, it may turn out to be something in the configuration. Carbonite may be your friend here.