
BCC in Mailgun Batch Send does not include substitutions

I am sending a set of email messages via Mailgun using the Batch Sending feature of their API, with a call like this:

rv =
    "" % mailgun_domain,
    auth=("api", mailgun_key),
    data={"from": sender,
        "to": recip_vars.keys(),
        "subject": subject,
        "bcc": bcc_addr,
        "text": "%recipient.text%",
        "html": "%recipient.html%",

where recip_vars is a dictionary of the batch variables keyed by recipient addresses.

In the copy sent to the bcc address, the recip_vars substitution has not been made.

Does the bcc address need to be specified in a different way in order for that copy to include the substitutions, and if so, how?


  • According to the good people at Mailgun, this is not possible, at least in the current release of the service.