
Selecting multiple files and loop through all to perform actions based on names

I have wrote a code which has browse dialog to select multiple files and save file names in array and loop them one by one perform action based on keyword in filename.

  1. as it has multi select option, I want to perform specific action based on keyword in filename
  2. am stuck in looping file names in array. I dkw where am going wrong
  3. correct my syntax if I wrong, bear with me as am very new to VBA
  4. appreciate any help

    fNameAndPath = Application.GetOpenFilename(fileFilter:="Excel Files (*.CSV), *.CSV", Title:="Select File To Be Opened", MultiSelect:=True)
    If Not IsArray(fNameAndPath) Then Exit Sub
    For Each MyFile In fNameAndPath
        Set wb = Workbooks.Open(MyFile)==========(how to search for specific file name in myfile array.. 
        ' do stuff with workbook that has been opened
        if myfile= "*test_one*" then
            Set Fnd1 = Range("A1")
            Qty1 = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Rows(1), "*shop3**high*")
            For Cnt1 = 1 To Qty1
                Set Fnd1 = Rows(1).Find("*shop3**high*",Fnd1, , xlWhole, , , False, , False)
                max_num = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Fnd1.EntireColumn)    ' maxnum value is copied to a cell in submit button
            Next Cnt1
        elseif myfile="*test_last*" then
            'similar to macro1
        elseif myfile=test3.csv then
            similar to macro1
        end if.
    wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
    Next MyFile
    End Sub


  • if myfile= "*test_one*" then

    If you're looking for part of a filename then you want something like this:

    If LCase(myfile) Like "*test_one*" Then