
AudioContext issue on Safari

I'm trying to use AudioContext in my typescript file for an Angular 5 app. It works great on Chrome, doesn't work on Safari. Everything I see by googling says to use window.webkitAudioContext but that immediately blows up when the typescript compiler runs saying that it doesn't exist on type Window.

let context = new AudioContext();
let source = context.createBufferSource();
    .then(x => {
        source.buffer = x;


  • You should extend the Window interface and then augment the window object.

    Asuming you're using angular-cli, add the following to your typings.d.ts file:

    declare interface Window {
      AudioContext: AudioContext;

    Then inside your polyfills.ts file you could set the AudioContext attribute:

    window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;