
Visual Studio Code - lagging when typing

I have just installed Visual Studio Code together with the Java Extension Pack. However, when I opened my first file and started typing, the text I type appears after a delay - reaching up even one second.
I have a hunch that it might be due to the number of processes going behind the editor, like real-time syntax checking, autocompletion, code hints et cetera. Perhaps the laptop I am working at simply cannot handle that much. These are the parameters of my current machine:
Processor: Intel(R) Caleron(R) CPU N3350 (1.10 GHz)

I have another hunch that it may be due to the processor.

So, are there a ways to switch off these facilities like real-time error-checking? If not, what other IDEs for Java could you reccomend? (Apart from Eclipse)


  • Had the same problem using Visual Studio Code while using Android Studio along with an Android Simulator in the background, and I run 8GB RAM and a CPU of 3.2GHz but when I returned to Notepad++ (I know its suicidal), to check if it is my problem or because of the IDEs, I typed in real time.

    It is due to your processor as Visual Studio Code is not really recommended for "slow" CPUs. Personally I like it, although an IDE in the likes of Vim might suit you better.

    Here is a link that might give some more hints: