
How to use events -- what event is triggered when a tab activates a container? (extjs 6.5)

While using the sencha extjs 6.5 framework I had a problem with the events.. What I wish to do is create a store that postpones loading until after a tab is activated. (and reload each time a person goes back to that tab).

Now manual loading isn't hard. However I can't seem to find the trigger that occurs when a tab is activate.

The tabs are defined by the main view (which is shown as main in app.js):

Ext.define('MyApp.view.main.Main', {
    extend: '',
    xtype: 'app-main',

    requires: [

    controller: 'main',
    viewModel: 'main',

    defaults: {
        tab: {
            iconAlign: 'top'

    tabBarPosition: 'left',

    items: [
            title: 'Users',
            iconCls: 'x-fa fa-user',
            layout: 'fit',
            items: [{
                xtype: 'usercontainer',
            title: 'Home',
            iconCls: 'x-fa fa-home',
            layout: 'fit',
            items: [{
                xtype: 'ordercontainer'

The second tab is the one I'm interested in, it has the following definition:

Ext.define('BinkPortalFrontend.view.main.OrderContainer', {
    //extend: 'BinkPortalFrontend.view.main.BaseContainer',
    xtype: 'ordercontainer',
    controller: 'order',
    extend: 'Ext.Container',
    layout: 'vbox',

    listeners: {
        activate: function(me, oOpts) {

        enable: function(me, oOpts) {

        focus: function(me, oOpts) {
        focusenter: function(me, oOpts) {
        focusleave: function(me, oOpts) {
        show: function(me, oOpts) {

As one can quickly see, I've tried testing all kinds of events. However only the activate event seems to fire -at page load-. What am I doing wrong? I'm not fully seeing which of the many events would be useful (see here)


  • You may want to listen for the tabchange(tabPanel, newCard, oldCard, eOpts) event on the tabpanel, and then fire your own event on the newCard (and maybe a different one on the oldCard).