We have a cube with many measures and one of the main dimensions is a 'site' dimension with about a dozen sites.
I've been asked to add a 'site' that is basically ALL the sites.
They don't want the actual hierarchy,
I tried defining the ALLMEMBER attribute but they don't want another hierarchy level, they want an actual attribute member at the same level. They want the whole displayed as another site next to the actual site values
Right now with the all member attribute I can show
All Sites - 140
New York 45
Chicago 60
Boston 35
But what they want is this:
New York 45
Chicago 60
Boston 35
All Sites 140
I'm not sure where to go from here in BIDS. It's not really a named dataset, nor a calculated measure. It's really a custom attribute member.
You can define a calculated Dimension member in your cube calculation script.
You'd need something like: Create member Site.site.AllSiteCalc AS SUM(Site.site.children,Measures.currentmember)
Once you've processed the cube this should become available in ssms,excel or to use in a query