
Mendeley API deleted_documents: "No service found for your request"

I'm developing an app that interacts with Mendeley API. Retrieving and updating documents work fine, but I fail to retrieve the ID list of deleted documents, as described in API Reference. Instead, I get 404-error, with the message:

"message": "No service found for your request"

Looks like this API is not implemented, even though listed in the Reference. Emailing Mendeley API team is of no help (I wrote to them about a different issue 3 months ago, they just don't answer). Anyone worked with that?


  • Ok, it seems they just don't update properly the info for developers. From the "Explore APIs" section on their site I have found that I should use "deleted_since" URL-parameter, rather than "deleted_documents", as stated in the "API Reference" section on the same site. The "deleted_since" works as expected.