Funny question, and I am really new to this (please dont assume i know anything lol)
But I have taken a set of points and converted to a polyline (polydata) and then extruded this polydata using vtkLinearExtrusionFilter into a surface.
Now I would like to extrude that surface into a 3d solid, how can I extrude the 1st extrusion? How to properly save 1st extrusion as vtkDataObject (see error below)
SetInputData argument 1: method requires a vtkDataObject, a vtkLinearExtrusionFilter was provided.
You need to take the output of the filter, and not the filter itself. This output is a vtk data object.
first_extrusion = vtkLinearExtrusionFilter()
# set parameters ....
second_extrusion = vtkLinearExtrusionFilter()
second_extrusion.SetInputData( first_extrusion.GetOutput() )
# set other parameters ...