
Cocoa Can I Hide / Show an NSTextField / NSSecureTextField

Is there a way to turn secureTextField on and off in Cocoa? (OSX). I'd like users to have the option to see their passwords.

In iOS, I can do something like [textField setSecureTextEntry:YES];

I found [secureTextField setEchoBullets] but that's not what I want.

Any help appreciated.


  • For me works perfectly to have two different cells in the same NSTextField and switch between them.

    void osedit_set_password_mode(OSEdit *edit, const bool_t password_mode)
        OSXEdit *ledit = (OSXEdit*)edit;
        if (password_mode == TRUE)
            if ([ledit cell] == ledit->cell)
                [ledit->scell setStringValue:[ledit->cell stringValue]];
                [ledit->scell setBackgroundColor:[ledit->cell backgroundColor]];
                [ledit->scell setTextColor:[ledit->cell textColor]];
                [ledit->scell setAlignment:[ledit->cell alignment]];
                [ledit->scell setFont:[ledit->cell font]];
                [ledit setCell:ledit->scell];
            if ([ledit cell] == ledit->scell)
                [ledit->cell setStringValue:[ledit->scell stringValue]];
                [ledit->cell setBackgroundColor:[ledit->scell backgroundColor]];
                [ledit->cell setTextColor:[ledit->scell textColor]];
                [ledit->cell setAlignment:[ledit->scell alignment]];
                [ledit->cell setFont:[ledit->scell font]];
                [ledit setCell:ledit->cell];

    The interface

    @interface OSXEdit : NSTextField 
        NSTextFieldCell *cell;
        NSSecureTextFieldCell *scell;

    The constructor

    OSEdit *osedit_create()
        OSXEdit *edit = nil;
        NSTextFieldCell *cell = nil;
        edit = [[OSXEdit alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect];
        cell = [edit cell];
        [cell setEditable:YES];
        [cell setSelectable:YES];
        [cell setBordered:YES];
        [cell setBezeled:YES];
        [cell setDrawsBackground:YES];
        edit->cell = [cell retain];
        edit->scell = [[NSSecureTextFieldCell alloc] init];
        [edit->scell setEchosBullets:YES];
        [edit->scell setEditable:YES];
        [edit->scell setSelectable:YES];
        [edit->scell setBordered:YES];
        [edit->scell setBezeled:YES];
        [edit->scell setDrawsBackground:YES];
        return (OSEdit*)edit;

    And destructor

    void osedit_destroy(OSEdit *edit)
        OSXEdit *ledit = (OSXEdit*)edit;
        [ledit->cell release];
        [ledit->scell release];
        [ledit release];