I would like to view a summary of my total number of commits and total number of lines of code which I have committed to a particular repository on GitHub. Is there any way to do this using either: GitHub, Git Shell on Windows, or another tool which easily works on Windows or in a web browser?
Here is my current strategy:
Lines of Code
git log --author="myemail" --oneline --shortstat > gitstat.log
Surely there must be a more convenient way of doing this? Note: I am looking for an answer that does not require bash, and is easily accessible to Windows users.
On GitHub’s repo summary bar, click the contributor count:
The contributor list includes number of commits, lines added, and lines deleted for each person.
Alternatively, to count commits with just the Git CLI, you can use git shortlog --summary
~/src/linguist $ git shortlog --summary --numbered --no-merges
607 Joshua Peek
568 Arfon Smith
321 Paul Chaignon
245 Ted Nyman
132 Brandon Keepers
131 Adam Roben
81 Alhadis
80 Lars Brinkhoff
This doesn’t have GitHub’s advantage of grouping multiple name/e-mail combos belonging to the same user, mind.