
Add the types inferred by the TypeScript compiler to the original TS source code

With TypeScript you can either specify types explicitly or let the compiler infer them.

Is there a way to add the types that are inferred to the original source code?

Eg I would start with:

private posX = 0;
private posY = 0;
private sizeX = 0;
private sizeY = 0;

I would run type inference, and since the types can be inferred in that case I would get:

private posX: number = 0;
private posY: number = 0;
private sizeX: number = 0;
private sizeY: number = 0;

This way when editing the code I could check if the inference worked as I expect, and I could manually provide more restrictive types if appropriate.


  • Someone actually implemented this!
