
Genie Vala Generics and Nullable Types

Simple question: In the following generic class, how should the generic type and contained types be defined so that they are nullable? The following will not compile.

class Pair? of G1, G2: Object



        _first = null
        _second = null

    def insert( first:G1, second:G2 )

        _first = first
        _second = second

    def insert_first( value:G1 )

        _first = value

    def insert_second( value:G2 )

        _second = value

    def second():G2

        return _second


var pair = new Pair() of string, string
pair = null


  • Due to the way Vala Generics work, generic parameters are always nullable.

    As long as you don't switch on --enable-experimental-non-null class variables are nullable as well, so your code simplifies to:

    class Pair of G1, G2: Object
            _first = null
            _second = null
        def insert( first:G1, second:G2 )
            _first = first
            _second = second
        def insert_first( value:G1 )
            _first = value
        def insert_second( value:G2 )
            _second = value
        def second():G2
            return _second
        var pair = new Pair of string, string
        pair = null

    When --enable-experimental-non-null is on, you have to be explicit in the type of the variable. I don't know how to write this in Genie, I tried this, but the compiler does not like it:

        pair: Pair? of string, string = new Pair of string, string
        pair = null

    In Vala it's no problem:

    class Pair<G1,G2>: Object {
        private G1 first;
        private G2 second;
        public Pair () {
            first = null;
            second = null;
        // ...
    int main () {
        Pair<string, string>? pair = new Pair<string, string> ();
        pair = null;
        return 0;