I have a Redisson client to store a pair String, LocalDateTime. It's configured to be used through the JCache API (JSR-107).
The storage is done OK, converting with Jackson to values like 2018-01-23T11:59:34.997834
but for retrieval is not using any converter and returning a String, giving a ClassCastException in the cache#get
What am I missing here?
public void getCacheInline() {
Config redissonCfg = new Config();
.setCodec(new JsonJacksonCodec(buildObjectMapper()))
MutableConfiguration<String, LocalDateTime> jcacheConfig = new MutableConfiguration<String, LocalDateTime>()
.setTypes(String.class, LocalDateTime.class)
.setExpiryPolicyFactory((Factory<ExpiryPolicy>) () -> new CreatedExpiryPolicy(new Duration(SECONDS, 100)));
Configuration<String, LocalDateTime> configuration = RedissonConfiguration.fromConfig(redissonCfg, jcacheConfig);
Cache<String, LocalDateTime> cache = cacheManager.createCache(CACHE_NAME, configuration);
LocalDateTime expectedDateTime = LocalDateTime.now();
cache.put("testKey", expectedDateTime);
// In this line: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.base/java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.base/java.time.LocalDateTime
LocalDateTime actualDateTime = cache.get("testKey");
assertThat(actualDateTime, is(equalTo(expectedDateTime)));
private ObjectMapper buildObjectMapper() {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
objectMapper.configure(FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
objectMapper.configure(WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false);
objectMapper.configure(READ_DATE_TIMESTAMPS_AS_NANOSECONDS, false);
return objectMapper;
Initial workaround was instead of storing a pair String, LocalDateTime
, wrapping the LocalDateTime in a wrapper class:
public class LocalDateTimeWrapper {
private LocalDateTime value;
This would make Jackson serialize a json string with a @class
property signalling the LocalDateTimeWrapper class, and from there LocalDateTime can be retrieved as the type to deserialize the string like 2018-01-23T11:59:34.997834
Better solution that I've tried and worked for me is this one suggested in GitHub issue https://github.com/redisson/redisson/issues/1260#issuecomment-367272400 extending JsonJacksonMapCodec like this:
public static class ExtendedJsonJacksonMapCodec extends JsonJacksonMapCodec {
public ExtendedJsonJacksonMapCodec() {
super(String.class, LocalDateTime.class);
protected void init(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
objectMapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
and then linking it from config like this (YAML format):
address: "redis://localhost:6379"
codec: !<com.example.ExtendedJsonJacksonMapCodec> {}