
jQGrid DateFilter not working after using custom date format

Hi I am using jqGrid and my date src format is like Feb 27, 2018 7:22:43 PM So I have formatted it like

formatter: 'date', formatoptions: { srcformat: 'M d, Y g:i:s A', newformat: 'm/d/Y'}

Now, the filter is not working only for month I tried to add sorttype: 'date' option but after adding it filter stopped working for year and day as well.

I think I might have missed something in the formatoptions that is causing this Please advice.

I have done some changes Below is the updated code Please have a look.

        label: '<font size="2">SSC Support Approved Through Date</font>', 
		editable: true,formatter: 'date',
		sorttype: 'date',
		formatoptions: { srcformat: 'M d, Y g:i:s A', newformat: 'm/d/Y'},
		searchoptions: { 
                        sopt: ['eq'],
                        placeholder:'Filter By Approved Through  Date',
                        title:'Filter By Approved Through Date'
		     name : 'myDate',
			 hidden: true,
			 jsonmap : function(item) {
			 	console.log(item);// Not getting printed.
			  return  $.jgrid.parseDate.call($("#jqGrid")[0] , 'M d, Y g:i:s A', item.supportApprovedThroughDate , 'm/d/Y'); 


  • In case of pure datatype local (i.e when loadonce is not used) we need to to add additionally a field myDate in the data in order to make this happen. In my case I use onInitGrid, but you can use any operation before to load the data in the grid.

    Code and example link below:

    var myData = [
       id: 1,
       name: "aaz",
       supportApprovedThroughDate : 'Feb 27, 2018 7:22:43 PM'
       id: 2,
       name: "bbz",
       supportApprovedThroughDate : 'Feb 19, 2018 7:22:43 PM'
       id: 3,
       name: "ccz",
       supportApprovedThroughDate : 'Feb 27, 2018 7:22:43 PM'
    $.jgrid.defaults.width = 600;
    $.jgrid.defaults.responsive = true;
        data: myData,    
        datatype: "local",
        colModel: [{
            name: "id",
            index: "id",        
            name: "name",
            index: "name",
            label: 'SSC Support', 
                editable: true,
              formatter: 'date',
                sorttype: 'date',
                formatoptions: { srcformat: 'M d, Y g:i:s A', newformat: 'm/d/Y'},
            searchoptions: { 
                sopt: ['eq'],
                placeholder:'Filter By Approved Through  Date',
                title:'Filter By Approved Through Date'
                name : 'myDate',
                  hidden: true,
                  formatter : 'date',
            formatoptions : { srcformat:'m/d/Y', newformat : 'm/d/Y'}
        caption: "Test JqGrid",
        pager: '#pMain',
        search: true,
        shrinkToFit: false,    
        onInitGrid : function() {
            for(var i=0, len=this.p.data.length; i<len;i++) {
                var row = this.p.data[i];
                row['myDate'] = $.jgrid.parseDate.call(this , 'M d, Y g:i:s A', row.supportApprovedThroughDate , 'm/d/Y');
    $("#gMain").jqGrid('filterToolbar', {
        stringResult: true, 
        searchOnEnter: true,                                                                                 
        defaultSearch: 'cn'

    Here is a jsfiddle example with exactly your settings