
Two Different Launch Screens Shown for on iPhone X on Initialization

Just updated a Cordova app to contain an iPhone X LaunchImage and now in emulation, I'm seeing a properly sized launch image, which then a second later shows another that is too large and expands off the page.

I can't figure out why a launch image/splash screen is being displayed twice? In device initialization the navigator.splashscreen invokes hide and then never calls show so it isn't happening in the code. I placed launch images in Xcode and am using the cordova-plugin-splashscreen plugin. From the docs I assumed using Xcode or adding them to the config.xml were equivalent regarding splashscreen legacy assets, but now I'm confused. This only occurs on iPhone X and not on iPhone 5s, 6, 7, 8, or iPad.


  • Okay so the first launch image display is the one displayed by the system, and the second is the one displayed by the splashscreen plugin. The issue was solved by updating to cordova-plugin-splashscreen v5.0.2, which contains the bug fix.