I’m new to reason-react. I’m trying to put a copyright symbol in a react-reason component. I've tried
<span >(ReasonReact.stringToElement("©"))</span>
but this doesn’t give me the © symbol.
It's also possible, and usually simpler, to just use the unicode character:
let copy = ReasonReact.stringToElement({js|\u00a9|js});
// Since ReasonReact 0.7.0 you can use
let copy = React.string({js|\u00a9|js});
Or even shorter:
let copy = [%raw {|'\u00a9'|}];
It's also possible to use unicode characters directly, as long as the whole toolchain supports it properly:
let copy = React.string({js|©|js});
Then for either of these you can now do:
<span> {copy} </span>