
webMethods: Show/hide caf_h:panelBlock based on property value of backing bean

We have got two caf_h:panelBlock elements (id="panel1" and id="panel2") in a CAF portlet which are supposed to be rendered based on a property of the backing bean (rendered="#{ViewBean.property}" and rendered="#{not ViewBean.property}").

So the XHTML of such a panel locks as follows:

<caf_h:panelBlock id="panel1" rendered="#{ViewBean.property}">

The property of the backing bean is declared as follows:

private java.lang.Boolean property;

And initialized in the bean's Initialize() method:

public String initialize() {
    this.property = true;

The tricky part comes now: We want to show/hide these panels by clicking on a command link:

<caf_h:commandLink action="#{ViewBean.click}" id="commandLink"></caf_h:commandLink>

The bean method called by this command link, in turn, changes the property's value:

public String click() {
    this.property = false;

However, the visibility/rendering of the block panels is not affected at all. What might be the reason?


  • It turned out that the above mentioned way works fine if the ViewBean.property is not changed again later during the portlet life cycle - as we accidentally did in our case in the beforeRenderResponse() method.