I am using Angular 5 in a project and i get a typescript error:
ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined
What my code is supposed to do is to update the template on input change like this:
The template:
<input #f (input)="filterResults(f.value)"/>
<div *ngIf="filteredCandidates.length">
<ul class="filtered-candidates-list">
<li *ngFor="let candidate of filteredCandidates">
{{ candidate.name }}
And the component.ts:
private queryString: string;
private candidates: Candidate[] = []
private filteredCandidates: Candidate[] = [];
filterResults(queryString) {
this.candidatesService.filterCandidates().subscribe(candidates => this.candidates = candidates);
if (!queryString) {
else {
this.candidates.filter(c => { c.name.indexOf(queryString) >= 0 });
I tried using the method .contains() on the c.name, and got the same result. The typeof candidate.name is still string, as expected, as well as the input which is also a string. However, it is like i can't use the string methods just due to typescript being incorporated.
If c.name is not defined in some cases, you could do the check like this:
this.candidates.filter(c => {
return c.name !== null && c.name.indexOf(queryString) >= 0
Here, !== null will check for both null and undefined values.