I just want to preface that I'm new to socket serialization and before downvoting please suggest what I can add to edit in. I've tried to break code down as small as possible as the project is pretty large.
I'm trying to a create a very simple RPC type middleware where client can invoke methods on server and retrieve object back if the method make such an object. I'm using FST-Serializer library to serialize my object and send them over the network/socket.
While I've gotten it up and running, I have found a very weird issue where the performance of serialization slowdown significantly when this occurs (code examples below):
Client Serialize params/method name -> Server retrieves information and executes method.
Which would mean network slow or implementaion cannot invoke it fast enough, however if this occurs it speeds up significantly:
Client Serialize params/method name -> Server retrieves information and executes method -> Server serializes an object sends it back to client.
While this at first doesn't seem like a big deal, for void methods it can become annoying as I have to send back dummy data meaning I have to spent a network trip for no reason.
I thought maybe this might be buffer is not big enough but I've experiement with different buffer sizes and nothing seems to solve it, I also want to clarify that app still works fine (i.e no blocking) just a performance timing hit. So my question is what can cause such as slow down and is it preventable/fixable?
I ran YouKit performance to see hotspot analysis (new to this too) and it seems BufferedReader.Read method slows down a lot.
With Dummy data sent back:
Without dummy data sent back:
Snippet of ServerThread that listens to incoming calls (Client code is similar creates input/output same with same buffersize):
public ServerThread(Socket connection){
this.connection = connection;
isActive = true;
public void run() {
try {
input = new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream(), BUFFER_SIZE);
output = new BufferedOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream(), BUFFER_SIZE); //Buffersize is 512_000 atm
Method m = (Method) readObject(input);
//Invoke method via reflection
Server.methodNames.get(m.getName()).invoke(this, m.getParams());
} catch (Exception e) {
public void transactionWillEnd() {
this.currentTransactionLog = null;
// This sends dummy data back to client or slowdown will occur
writeObject(output, "SUCCESS");
} catch(Exception e){
Method class that's serialized from client sent to Serverthread
public class Method implements Serializable{
private String name;
private Object[] params;
public Method(String name, Object...params) {
this.name = name;
this.params = params;
public String getName() {
return name;
public Object[] getParams() {
return params;
TCPSerializer based off TCPObjectSocket in FST (inherited by serverthread&client:
public class TCPSerializer {
private static FSTConfiguration config;
public static int BUFFER_SIZE = 512_000;
AtomicBoolean readLock = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean writeLock = new AtomicBoolean(false);
public TCPSerializer() {
config = FSTConfiguration.createDefaultConfiguration();
public Object readObject(InputStream input) throws Exception{
try {
while ( !readLock.compareAndSet(false,true) );
return config.decodeFromStream(input);
} finally {
public void writeObject(OutputStream output, Object toWrite) throws Exception{
try {
while ( !writeLock.compareAndSet(false,true) );
config.encodeToStream(output, toWrite);
} finally {
Example on how Client calls method:
public void transactionWillEnd() {
String methodName = Helpers.getMethodName(0);
Method m = new Method(methodName);
try {
client.writeObject(client.getOutput(), m);
//Read dummy data before continuing.
String verify = (String) client.readObject(client.getInput());
if(!verify.equals("SUCCESS")) throw new Exception(verify);
} catch (Exception e) {
Nagle's algorithm can slow down a connection significant if it not performing a request/response action. I have seen it wait 40 ms for another block of bytes to coalesce into a packet.
I suggest you try turning it off if you are streaming data without a reply.