
YCM error. The ycmd server SHUT DOWN (restart wit...the instructions in the documentation

I installed YCM with vim plug, but I may have shut down before process finished. Now when I start vim I get this error "The ycmd server SHUT DOWN (restart wit...the instructions in the documentation."

I've googled but can not find workable solution. I don't see anything in the documentation that helps. But I am new to vim and coding in general so may be missing something.

:YcmDebugInfo comes back with "Server errored, no debug info from server".

I have tried :YcmRestartServer, but to no result -- it pauses then returns the same error. I have also run :PlugInstall and :PlugUpdate, and all plug ins, including YCM, are coming back as up to date.


  • I ran into the same issue with Vundle and fixed it like this:
    After installing cmake, I cd'd into ~.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe and ran python