
propertyChange not called when restoring default values

I am building a preference page extending the FieldEditorPreferencePage class. This is the code (some obvious code not displayed):

public class PreferencePage extends FieldEditorPreferencePage implements IWorkbenchPreferencePage {

    public static final String PREF_KEY_1 = "checkBoxPref";
    public static final String PREF_KEY_2 = "filePref";
    private FileFieldEditor pathField;
    private BooleanFieldEditor yesOrNoField;
    private Composite pathFieldParent;

    public void init(IWorkbench workbench) {
        setPreferenceStore(new ScopedPreferenceStore(InstanceScope.INSTANCE, Activator.PLUGIN_ID));

    protected void createFieldEditors() {
        this.yesOrNoField = new BooleanFieldEditor(PREF_KEY_1, "Check this box!", getFieldEditorParent());
        this.pathFieldParent = getFieldEditorParent();
    this.pathField = new FileFieldEditor(PREF_KEY_2, "Path:", this.pathFieldParent); 
        boolean isChecked = getPreferenceStore().getBoolean(PREF_KEY_1); 
        updatePathFieldEnablement(! isChecked);

     * Updates the fields according to entered values
    private void updatePathFieldEnablement(boolean enabled) {
        this.pathField.setEnabled(enabled, this.pathFieldParent);

    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
        if (event.getProperty().equals(FieldEditor.VALUE) && event.getSource() == this.yesOrNoField) {
            updatePathFieldEnablement(! (boolean) event.getNewValue());

The propertyChange method is there to enable/disable the FileFieldEditor depending on the BooleanFieldEditor value.

It works OK if I change the BooleanFieldEditor valeu by checking or unchecking it, but the propertyChange is not called when I hit the "Restore default values" button.

Do someone see a reason for that?


  • OK, I think I've got my response.

    I went further in my investigation and I got to this code which seems suspect to me:

    In class BooleanFieldEditor :

    protected void doLoadDefault() {
        if (checkBox != null) {
            boolean value = getPreferenceStore().getDefaultBoolean(getPreferenceName());
            wasSelected = value;

    and in class StringFieldEditor

    protected void doLoadDefault() {
        if (textField != null) {
            String value = getPreferenceStore().getDefaultString(

    We can see that the FileFieldEditor (that inherits from StringFieldEditor) launches an PropertyChangeEvent to its listeners (valueChanged();) but not the BooleanFieldEditor. I did not find any code indicating that BooleanFieldEditor are using another mechanism. I think this is a bug in jFace.

    To get around this problem, I just had to override the FieldEditorPreferencePage#performDefaults method and the result's fine.