I wanna drop a certain dnslog line from forwarding to my SIEM server..
the logline i wish to drop is the one with "sophosxl" query.. I try the the nxlog config below but its not working..
Pls help... Thanks
My Sample Logs File:
3/2/2018 6:47:04 PM 0D84 PACKET 000000C1FF664DD0 UDP Rcv 4140 Q [0001 D NOERROR] A (4)win8(4)ipv6(9)microsoft(3)com(0)
3/2/2018 6:47:04 PM 0D84 PACKET 000000C1FF703080 UDP Rcv 1035 Q [0001 D NOERROR] A (2)go(9)microsoft(3)com(0)
3/2/2018 6:47:04 PM 0D84 PACKET 000000C1FF7070A0 UDP Rcv a55d Q [0001 D NOERROR] A (1)4(8)sophosxl(3)net(0)
3/2/2018 6:47:04 PM 0D84 PACKET 000000C1FF705090 UDP Rcv a4c1 Q [0001 D NOERROR] A (12)filedownload(6)lenovo(3)com(0)
<Input dns>
Module im_file
File "C:\dns.log"
SavePos TRUE
#InputType multilineEmtpyLine
ReadFromLast TRUE
Exec if ($raw_event == '') drop();
Exec if ($message =~ /sophosxl/) drop();
PollInterval 1
Exec $Message = $raw_event;
# $SyslogFacilityValue = 22;
reads the data into the $raw_event
field so you'll need to use that:
Exec if ($raw_event =~ /sophosxl/) drop();