Have this class which is never used directly, only inherited:
class ApiBase {}
How do I define a generic static singleton default
here? - So I can:
class FooApi: ApiBase {} // Want only one instance of `FooApi`
class BarApi: ApiBase {} // Want only one instance of `BarApi`
The only thing I can think of is to create a protocol
which FooApi
and BarApi
need to implement. But that seems suboptimal, would prefer to write an implementation like:
func `default`<T: ApiBase>() -> T {
if staticInstance == nil {
staticInstance = T()
return staticInstance
Ended up adding an interface:
protocol Instance {
associatedtype T
// static var _instance: T {get set} # Can't use; can't override :(
static func instance() -> T
Usable like so:
class ApiBase: Instance {
var root: String = ""
static var _instance: ApiBase = ApiBase()
open class func instance() -> ApiBase {
if _instance.root == "" {
_instance = ApiBase()
return _instance
class FooApi: ApiBase {
static var _fooApi: FooApi = FooApi()
override class func instance() -> FooApi {
if _fooApi.root == "" {
_fooApi = FooApi()
return _instance
This is suboptimal, as the body's of the instance
functions are identical in pattern. But it works.