
How to determine the Apple Watch model?

The WKInterfaceDevice.current().model property does not give a model number:

For Apple Watch, the value of this string is Apple Watch.

How can the exact Apple Watch model be determined from iOS?

Watch app screenshot, image credits


  • There is no public API to get that exact information.

    You can however use the following (I'll let you translate into Swift):

    - (NSString*) modelIdentifier {
        size_t size = 0;
        sysctlbyname("hw.machine", NULL, &size, NULL, 0);
        char* machine = malloc(size);
        sysctlbyname("hw.machine", machine, &size, NULL, 0);
        NSString* model = [NSString stringWithCString: machine encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
        return model;

    This returns a string in the format: "Watch1,1". You'll need to provide a lookup table to do ID -> Name translation.

    "Watch1,1" -> Apple Watch 38mm
    "Watch1,2" -> Apple Watch 42mm
    "Watch2,3" -> Apple Watch Series 2 38mm
    "Watch2,4" -> Apple Watch Series 2 42mm
    "Watch2,6" -> Apple Watch Series 1 38mm
    "Watch2,7" -> Apple Watch Series 1 42mm
    "Watch3,1" -> Apple Watch Series 3 38mm Cellular
    "Watch3,2" -> Apple Watch Series 3 42mm Cellular
    "Watch3,3" -> Apple Watch Series 3 38mm
    "Watch3,4" -> Apple Watch Series 3 42mm

    By the way, this sysctlbyname API also works for iOS.
