I would like to use this gist in my AngularJS project:
It's a vanilla JavaScript version of JQuerys' slideUp and slideDown methods, I have included the script above the angular scripts just before the closing body tag (as I did with jQuery).
The animation section of my app that requires the jQuery slideUp and slidedown functions:
app.animation('.slide', function () {
return {
beforeAddClass: function (element, className, done) {
if (className === 'ng-hide') {
element.slideUp({ duration: 350 }, done);
removeClass: function (element, className, done) {
if (className === 'ng-hide') {
//element.hide().slideDown({ duration: 350 }, done);
element[0].style.display = "none";
element.slideDown({ duration: 350 }, done);
I've edited that section to remove 'hide()', another jQuery function. (Also on a side note element now returns undefined without specifying the first DOM element - [0]).
However it still doesn't seem to be working, what am I missing?
I noticed that my question got a few down votes, so I looked into the slide.js code, looks like it doesn't work exactly the same as jQuerys' slide methods anyway.
So in the end I built a cut down version of jQuery, that saves a few bites and works as expected.