
Jenkins 2 GitHub Organization: Automatic Rebuild for Pull Request

I am creating jobs using Jenkins Organization Folders. I want to continuously build against pull request. However, when I create a pull request, it will be built automatically only the first time. Even if I add commit to pull request, Jenkins does not build automatically. I expect that build will work again when the commit is added to the branch that created the pull request.

I am using the following version of Jenkins / plugin.

GitHub Branch Source Plugin has the following settings.

Also, although I am using Github Enterprise, I think that the configuration of webhook is okay as the build runs instantly when creating the pull request for the first time.


  • There is two way to resolve this issue

    1) You have to configure your github repository so it inform jenkins of a new version: yourRepo/settings/hook&service/service ( the best practice)

    or 2) you can configure your jenkins jobs so it check for diff time-to-time if the repo have been update : yourJob/configure/Scan Repository Triggers/Periodically -> 10 min

    In my project, we configure both, with a Periodically check of once a day